Dear Cherry Park Community,
We are excited to share an important update aimed at increasing the safety and efficiency of our traffic flow during arrival and dismissal times. In collaboration with the Portland Bureau of Transportation, (PBOT) we have implemented a new traffic flow pattern designed with the safety of our students, families, and staff in mind.
Communication from PBOT –
Key Changes
New traffic pattern
Park and Walk locations
Vehicular traffic
We suggest keeping traffic flowing counterclockwise as depicted by the blue arrows on your
map. Doing-so will help avoid any conflicts entering the parking lot loop, mitigate congestion,
and improve safety by keeping vehicular traffic predictable.
Please, do not park within 20 feet of a marked crosswalk or known crossing location. This
behavior greatly decreases visibility of students attempting to cross the road.
We strongly suggest utilizing one of the green Park and Walk locations marked on your map.
Parking your vehicle and walking to pick up your student will take your car out of the equation,
mitigating congestion and making for a quicker departure during peak hours.
Walk, bike and roll traffic
As the days get shorter and darker, make sure to always wear bright colors when
walking or rolling to school!
Make sure to keep your bike lights charged and ready to go! White in the front and red
in the back.
Thank you,
-PBOT’s Safe Routes to School team
General Safety Reminders –
To ensure the safety of all community members, please keep the following in mind:
1. Drive Slowly: Our school is surrounded by high foot and bike traffic during these times. Reducing your speed ensures a safer environment for everyone.
2. Avoid Distractions: Please refrain from using phones or other devices while driving near the school. Your full attention is needed for the safety of our students.
3. Respect Crosswalks: Yield to pedestrians and follow the directions of our crossing guards at all times.
4. Be Patient: With so many vehicles and people navigating the same space, patience and kindness go a long way.
We appreciate your support in helping make arrival and dismissal as safe and efficient as possible.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office.
Thank you,
Matt Soule
Principal, Cherry Park Elementary