Back to School Details

Important School Information

Below are a few important informational items to get you started for the year. More information will be sent home on the first day of school in a folder. There are lots of things to fill out and read so please make an effort to go through this folder thoroughly and send back any required forms. 

Class Placement: 

At Cherry Park Elementary, we work diligently to balance our classes by carefully considering each student’s academic, social, and emotional needs. Our goal is to create an environment where every child can thrive, which involves thoughtful placement to ensure a harmonious and supportive classroom dynamic. While we strive to accommodate all requests and preferences, there may be instances where it is not possible to honor every request. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that our primary focus is always on providing the best possible educational experience for every student. 

Your child’s teacher is located on top right of your mailing label. You can also find this information in Parent Vue. 

Back to School Night: 

Our Back to School Night was initially scheduled for Thursday, August 29th from 5:30-7:00 pm. We are rescheduling it for later in September so that staff has ample time to unpack and set up their learning spaces due to construction. Back-to-School night will be on Thursday, September, 19th from 5:30-7:00.

Classrooms and the building will be open from 5:30-6:30 pm. At 6:30 pm we will all move to the playground for popsicles and to socialize. We will have representatives from our partners from SUN School; Ready, Set, Go; Growing Gardens; and Champions. Our Cherry Park Parent Teacher Association will be in attendance selling Cherry Park gear and hosting a 50/50 raffle. 

Cherry Park Elementary is proud to partner with Champions Before and After School Care to provide a flexible on-site program to our families. Available for all grade levels, Champions gives students a safe space to explore their interests by creating and innovating. 

When you sign your child up for Champions, you get a convenient solution for your busy schedule and they’ll have fun doing things that teach them new skills like: 

· Interest-driven curriculum in technology, reading, creative arts, math, and engineering. · STEM-based learning through problem-solving and collaboration. 

· Educational games with friends they see every day. 

· Activities that grow social-emotional intelligence and develop character. 

Champions is available at 6:30 am before school and after school until 6:00 pm Please contact our Site Director for more information by phone at (503) 408-0724 or email or visit 

Start of the Year Schedules – 

Preschool – 

Preschool students will not start school until the week of September 9th. September 4th – 6th are reserved for home visits. Preschoolers will have gradual entry and attend ONE day on either Monday, September 9th or Tuesday, September 10th. All preschoolers will come on Wednesday, September 11th. 

Kindergarten – 

Kindergarten students will only come once during the first three days of school. They will come either Wednesday, September 4th, Thursday, September 5th, or Friday, September 6th. All kindergarten students will come on Monday, September 9th and each day thereafter. ● Doors will open at 8:55 and class will start at 9:15. 

● Tuesday (September 3rd): ) – No School for any students. 

● Wednesday (September 4th) – Please send your child today if their last name begins with A-F. School day: 8:55 – 3:30 (NO LATE START). 

● Thursday (September 5th) – Please send your child today if their last name begins with G-O. School day: 8:55 – 3:30

● Friday (September 6th) – Please send your child today if their last name begins with P-Z. School day: 8:55 – 3:30 

First through Fifth Graders – 

There is NO gradual entry for first through fifth grade students. All first through fifth grade students will come on Wednesday, September 4th and each day thereafter. There is no late start on the first day. 

The schedule is as follows: 

● School and classrooms will open at 8:55. 

● Students are tardy at 9:15 

● Bus Riders, Carpool Students, and all Students who are eating breakfast will enter through the cafeteria doors closest to the stage. 

● Walkers and bike riders who are not eating breakfast will enter through the front office when the doors open at 8:55. 

● Please do not drop off or send your students prior to 8:55. We will not have staff available to supervise students before 8:55. 

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays: Wednesdays (Late Start): ● School Opens: 8:55 School Opens: 9:55 ● Breakfast: 8:55-9:15 Breakfast: 9:55-10:15 ● Bus Arrival: 8:55 Bus Arrival: 9:55 ● Classrooms Open: 8:55 Classrooms Open: 9:55 ● Tardy Bell: 9:15 Tardy Bell: 10:15 ● Dismissal: 3:30 Dismissal: 3:30 

School Supplies & Kindergarten Snack: We have a community supply program at Cherry Park. This means that students do not bring their own supplies. Supplies are free and provided by our school. Kindergarten families contribute $15.00 per kindergarten student for a daily snack. You 

may pay this fee the first week of school or have your student give the money to the office. We accept checks, cash, or credit cards. Please make sure that your child brings a regular-sized backpack to school every day. 

Buses & Transportation: We have three options for students arriving and departing school. School bus riders can find their bus stop information at the following link. Per our bus department, most

bus routes have changed. Many bus route numbers, stops, and pick up times have changed. Please look at your child(ren)’s bus information at the link below: / 

You will need your student’s ID number to look up their bus stop. ID numbers can be found in ParentVue. 

Students who arrive and depart school via car, bike, or foot have a different plan. Students who arrive and depart by car will use our carpool lane in the Cherry Park parking lot. This lane is the left lane as you approach the school and the center of our parking lot for drop off. Cars will pull up to the benches and unload with the assistance of a staff member. Students will then use the driveway crosswalk and enter the school through the cafeteria. Please use extra caution when driving near our school. We have staff and student safety patrol to help direct traffic and assist students and families in crossing the streets safely. It is very busy and there are a lot of students. Our parking lot speed limit is ten miles per hour. 

Students who arrive on foot or bike will enter the school via the front office doors. Students should not arrive until 8:55 am as we do not have supervision prior to opening. We appreciate your support in helping your child avoid playing in the trees and bushes in front of the school. 

Breakfast & Lunch: We will have free breakfast and lunch for all students this year. There is no form to be completed. 

Late Start Wednesdays: Our school will continue to open one hour late every Wednesday this school year starting Wednesday, September 11th. This schedule change will happen every Wednesday for all of our schools. School starts at 10:15 AM and the building will open at 9:55 AM. 

Staff Updates: 

I am excited to announce the following new staff to Cherry Park and staff that have a new assignment for the 2024-2025 school year. 

○ Kasey Lynn – Additional Learning Specialist 

○ Sean Betker – School Counselor 

○ Saly Rageb – Early Childhood Development Specialist 

○ Angela Smith – Head Cook 

○ Laura Martinez – Kindergarten

○ Staci Reed – First Grade 

○ Meghan Singleton – Fifth Grade